We offer a wide range of solutions to transform your space into an environment which suits your establishment. Whether you are promoting various events and/or
products, to changing the scenery to create an atmosphere of wonder and learning. Here at R3SKIN, we are sure to turn your concept into reality.
Architectural: Make your standard wall, column or display counter look like finely textured spruce. With our textured vinyl film, we can transform the appearance of your piece at a fraction of the cost to actually upgrade it.
Murals: We offer various solutions to help transform your walls to suite the atmosphere you desire. Whether it’s a landscape scene, or a piece of culture to liven up the room. Ideal for: restaurants, galleries, malls, offices.
Promotional: Looking to promote the launch of a new venue or product? We have solutions for both long and short term advertisements to cover temporary walls or
even standard walls able to be removed without causing extensive damage.
Informational: Are you looking to inspire or educate people without being there to repeat the message for every guest that comes to your attraction? We can help
deliver your message while at your guests leisure. Ideal for: Museums, Education Institutes, Attractions, Galleries